Leagues Icon Updates

Its been a while….

This one was a fun one for sure.

This game has been around for 5+ years now, and sometimes parts of the UI can be overlooked, or just gets outdated.
At some point, we had added 2 new icons to the mix. I always felt that they didn’t work as a set. So I took it upon my self to find a way to make the time to update the icons, and do so as an asset swap.

Below are the original icons

so a little more about the process….

I like to start out loose and fast and do various grey scale sketches on ideas that could work, and whenever possible try to find a way to tie things in to Marvel

As I start figuring out the shape language, I find little things that work, and things that need refinement. One of the things that came out during our reviews was to try to find a physicality to these icons. What are they? Are they little holograms, or badges, or something cool that I haven’t thought of yet?

As I refine I start pushing contrast a bit more, or start thinking of basic color. We decided to push for a bit of military-ish medals. The idea was “Imagine Nick Fury pinning this medal on you”

So then the medals were born!


Info Panels


MSF UI Fan Art